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SportStar Awards by the Olympic Museum

Илья: http://www.olympic.org/uk/news/olympic_news/week_uk.asp?weekDate=04/17/2006 On 20 April, the Olympic Museum in Lausanne hosted the 4th edition of the SportStar Awards, which recognised European athletes who took part in the latest Olympic Winter Games in Turin, and who are considered as the best representatives of the fundamental values of sport. Among the winners were many Olympic champions from last February, such as Irina Slutskaya, Philipp Schoch, Daniela Meuli, Evelyne Leu, Anette Norberg, Antoine Dénériaz, Enrico Fabris and Giorgio Di Centa. Что вы на это скажете? Все таки прав был Илья Авербух, когда сказал про Иру, что есть олимпийские чемпионы ,а есть чемпионы по жизни УРА!!! Ирочка, молодца!!!

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